Looking for a church in Salford?
We would love to meet you.

Most Sundays we meet at St Luke’s school, Weaste Lane, M5 5JH at 12.30pm to eat food together, build friendships and learn more about Jesus and the difference our faith can make in our lives and in our community.

Whether you consider yourself a Christian or not, you are very welcome to join us to explore the Christian faith and to help us in making a difference in our community here in the heart of Salford.

About Us

Langworthy Community Church started in 2004 with the aim of being a welcoming church for people living in Langworthy and the surrounding area who are interested in Jesus, but don’t attend another church. We started with an Easter meal that year, and have continued to share meals together each week and to explore the Christian faith and how Jesus brings hope and change into our world.

We want to be a positive influence for change in Langworthy, and to serve the area in whatever way we can, whether joining residents or events groups, working with children, young people and the whole community at the LifeCentre. Whatever we see that looks like the ‘Kingdom of God’ – things promoting justice, peace, joy, community, serving those in need – we want to help and encourage, as that is what Jesus was (and is) all about.

If you are inspired by this stuff, come and visit us!


Church every day!

Our Sundays are just the tip of the iceberg of life in LCC. We have all kinds of activities during the week, during the daytime and in the evening, including small group Bible studies, morning prayer meetings, Alpha courses and all the LifeCentre activities.

Find us on Facebook and Twitter to discover what’s happening this week!

On a Sunday…

If you visit us on a Sunday, expect a warm welcome and some food! We eat together each week as well as spending some time hearing a short talk from the Bible and discussing an issue together. Sometimes we spend time singing, or hearing good news stories about what’s going on in our community.

Our Values

We build our church life around four values: Worship, Community, Mission and Generosity. Each of these values runs through everything we do as a church.


The Lifecentre works with the local community to bring positive transformation in Langworthy and Weaste. We have a wide range of activities happening including nurture breakfast group, free counselling, Make Lunch, Free Legal advice sessions, youth work, prayer spaces and much more. Check out our website to find out more.

Beth Myring


LCC is a church that treats everyone like family, provides a lovely and welcoming atmosphere, and is always looking for ways to help our community. -Stephanie.

Find Us

 Sundays (during school term time)

We meet at St Luke’s School, Weaste Lane at 12:30pm

 ADDRESS (during the week)

219 Langworthy Rd,
M6 5PW






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